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Setting Intentions with my Word of the Year for 2022

There have been lots of words floating round my head since December when that lovely anticipation and excitement of a fresh new year started to feel within reach. If you follow me on social media or have read my blogs in the past, you may well know that 2021 was a pretty darn awful year for me personally.

It has however brought an awful lot of much needed clarity and growth which is honestly a wonderful thing, and something I am very grateful for.

New Beginnings

The darkest hour is just before the dawn as they say, and 2022 feels somewhat like a new dawn for me. I feel a shift in my priorities, my sense of self and worth, and a newfound lust for life.

This is an exhilarating development and I am embracing it with open arms, whilst the realist in me knows that this year won't come without it's challenges. So my intentions for the year are very much focussed on being gentle with myself, as well as being honest and nurturing. Persisting through the tougher times but revelling in the joyous times too!

Listening to You and Me

After much deliberation, considering words and phrases such as 'grow', 'take root', and 'foundations', I have settled on something that must come before all these things. To pause and simply 'Listen'.

This year I will listen to my body. I will allow myself to rest when I need rest and hopefully prevent myself from burning out again as much as I did over Christmas this last year (I'm still recovering from it).

I will listen to my self, my gut instincts, and I will trust in these intuitions again. It's all too easy to be swayed by other people's opinions, needs or judgements. I will listen to those quiet inner thoughts and allow them to hold their own space.

This year I will also listen to YOU. I have always loved and appreciated the feedback I get, but may this year be the year we really get creative with it. Let me know your favourites, what you want to see more (or less) of? What do you really wish you could see me make?

Or do you want more process shots and videos... more behind the scenes... more peeks into life here in Cornwall? Let me know! Send me a message here.

Photography by Suzanne Johnson

Listening to Nature

In 2022 I will listen to Nature more. I will let her rhythms and sounds calm and ground me. A spontaneous walk along the beach in Falmouth here in Cornwall this morning sparked such joy, yet also such shock at long it has been since I've allowed myself the pleasure to start the day this way. Nature is a constant and guiding force, she makes me slow down, pause, reflect, dwell and importantly feel rejuvenated. Inspired. Alive!

These moments of peace and quiet amongst the chaos of life are like gold dust. But they needn't be rare. It is something I can - and will - incorporate into a more consistent rhythm this year. Yes I know there will be times where it feels too difficult, too busy, too frantic or fraught, yet these are the times we need it most.

This year I will listen. And act accordingly, with grace, to myself, and to others. May my jewellery be imbued with this sentiment, bringing peace and calm - and joy - to those who wear it.

Let's make 2022 a year to remember, for all the right reasons ✨

Photography by Suzanne Johnson

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Gemstone & Precious Metal jewellery hand crafted in Cornwall, UK
Minimal designs that celebrate the beauty of the finest natural materials
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Cornish jewellery makers, modern everyday jewellery, handmade gemstone jewellery, minimal gemstone jewellery, bespoke jewellery design

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